Our experienced engineers support you in formulating your concrete mix design, selecting the concrete plant, and preparing all necessary work plans. They also serve as skilled project managers throughout your project.
Concretum is by your side as a reliable partner throughout your construction project. Our experienced engineers assist you in formulating your concrete mix design, selecting the appropriate concrete plant, and preparing all necessary work plans. This ensures seamless collaboration between all parties involved. And you can count on us to support you at every stage of your project with our unique products.
Our Concrete Offers a Wide Range of Mix Design Options:
Do you have questions about using rapid-hardening concrete for your construction project? contact us.
Our rapid-hardening concretes are often applied manually, particularly when the geometry of the repair area is complex, the structures to be repaired are hard to access, or the use of a slipform paver is not economical. The consistency and workability of our concrete can be precisely tailored to the needs of the site. By adjusting the concrete admixtures, the concrete can meet project-specific requirements such as transport distances, placement times and methods, as well as site conditions. This makes the manual placement process highly flexible. Our concrete can be placed using a crane and bucket or by pumping.
For large-scale repairs and renovations, slipform paving is generally the preferred method. This allows runways and taxiways, for example, to be comprehensively renewed within a single construction season—always in nighttime shifts. This ensures that repairs to airfield pavements can be carried out without disrupting operations.
Our customers can rely on our experts at every stage of the construction project to ensure that the high-tech concrete produced consistently meets the highest quality standards.