High-modulus polymer fibers: Concretum® SUPERFIBER 40/8

High-modulus polymer fiber for limiting crack widths

Concretum® SUPERFIBER 40/8 are high-modulus polymer fibers for mortar and concrete. Their modulus of elasticity is higher than that of concrete, which helps to reduce crack widths caused by shrinkage in the long term. Unlike steel fibers, plastic fibers do not corrode.



Available in Switzerland




Not available internationally





  • Long-term crack width limitation
  • Prevention of early shrinkage cracks
  • Production of concrete or mortar with high fire resistance



Concretum® SUPERFIBER 40/8 are short-cut fibers made from a high-performance polymer. The modulus of elasticity of the fibers is higher than that of mortar and concrete. The tensile strength exceeds that of prestressing steel. The fine fibers exhibit a strong bond with the cement matrix, ensuring a homogeneous and high-performance building material.

Concretum® SUPERFIBER 40/8 better distributes shrinkage cracks in young concrete. Instead of a large crack, many small micro-cracks form. These are not a concern in terms of durability. Unlike conventional synthetic fibers, Concretum® SUPERFIBER 40/8 limits crack widths in the long term. The fibers are dosed minimally at 0.5 kg/m³.



  • Long-term limitation of crack widths
  • Low injury risk
  • The fibers are heavier than water and sink in the settling tank
  • Exposed fibers are flammable
  • Very high alkalinity resistance
  • No corrosion
  • Easy troweling
  • Low dosage: 0.5 – 3.0 kg/m³ concrete



Technical Data SUPERFIBER® 40/8

Diameter 40 µm
Length 8 mm
Aspect ratio 200
Tensile Strength 1’600 N/mm²
E-Modul 42’000 N/mm²
Elongation at Break 6.5 %
Specific Density 1300 kg/m³
Melting Point 213 °C
Bond Shear Strength to Cement Matrix > 3 N/mm²
Dosage 0.5 – 3.0 kg/m³
Packaging 18 kg bag, pallet with 21 bags
Storage Dry
Color yellowish
Effect long-term crack width limitation


Here you can find all Safety Data Sheets, Technical Data Sheets, Product Brochures, and Project Reports.