Our customers can rely on our experts at all stages of the construction project to ensure that the rapid-hardening concrete produced always meets the highest quality standards.
At the beginning of a construction project, we first discuss the overall project with all parties involved—clients, consultants, planners, etc. If our rapid-hardening concrete is to be used in the structure, we additionally define the required material parameters.
To fully leverage the potential of our rapid-hardening concrete and achieve the fastest possible construction progress, we collaborate with the construction company to create a detailed construction schedule. This plan is tailored to the specific requirements of the project—depending on the available time frame and the equipment of the construction company (e.g., mixers, pavers, manual application, etc.).
Our rapid-hardening concrete can be produced either at a local concrete plant near the construction site or on-site with a volumetric mixer. We assist our project partners in selecting the ideal method based on local availability and the planned construction process.
Our experts evaluate the aggregate on-site and then develop an optimal concrete mix specifically tailored to the customer's needs and project requirements. After developing the mix design, initial tests with the rapid-hardening concrete are conducted at the mixing plant or with the volumetric mixer, allowing our experts to make final adjustments if necessary. This also enables the client to personally verify the concrete's properties.
After this, the actual construction project can begin, under constant supervision by our engineers. This ensures that the work is carried out properly and that the rapid-hardening concrete consistently meets the highest quality standards. Our clients can rely on our experts at all phases of the construction project: we maintain close contact with the construction company before and during the project and assist in processing the concrete. Additionally, we ensure that site preparation meets the stringent requirements for night construction work.
Throughout the project, we carry out continuous quality control according to a predetermined schedule. This typically includes testing the materials used and the manufactured test specimens. These checks ensure that the rapid-hardening concrete remains workable for the required time and develops the necessary strength on schedule, allowing operations to resume promptly.
Do you have questions about using rapid-hardening concrete for your construction project? Feel free to contact us.