Shrinkage Reduction of Concrete

Shrinkage-Resistant Concrete

It is inherent to concrete that it loses volume during the hardening and drying process, meaning it tends to shrink.

There are various technologies and concrete technology approaches to reduce shrinkage. When shrinkage values of < 0.2‰ are achieved, the concrete can absorb the deformations through its elastic behavior without cracking. This value is also known as the autogenous cracking limit. Many factors influence the shrinkage of concrete:

  • Type of cement and cement content
  • Water-cement ratio (w/c ratio)
  • Flow agents
  • Etc.

All Concretum rapid-hardening concretes exhibit, in comparison to normal concrete, a fundamentally low shrinkage rate. Additionally, Concretum® D-SOLO is a special additive designed specifically to reduce shrinkage.